Pet Microchipping               Why We Implant



Give your pet a lifetime identification, like a passport the ID number carries the nationality of your pet.
Lifetime registration of your pet in the national database.
Painless application of the small transponder.
Can save your pet in case of being lost or stolen.
Kennel clubs use the unique ID number for pedigree purposes.

Irremovable by non-medical trained people, it will deter thieves from stealing your pet on seeing their collar because the identification of the animal is easy and no errors will be possible (only vets and specialist could remove the chip, with the right medical equipment and some difficulty, even for them).

The  registration-database holds their characteristics, and will be used quickly when the pet is found elsewhere (even on a holiday-address or foreign country). This can quickly resolve a dispute with regards to ownership as all the information is readable by the vets, and can save their life, as the owner can be easily and quickly contacted.           

      Stray pups often lose their collars when climbing through garden fencing.


Sometimes they are injured while out on their own and may be brought to a vets surgery or shelter. In all these situations the quicker the owner can be reunited with the pet the less stress the pet will suffer.


 The new passports for pets scheme which has recently become an option under a pilot scheme basis. requires the animal to have a microchip implanted 

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Veterinary surgeries, dog pounds and animal rescue homes have electronic scanners and promote the use of chips. Over 4 million animals have been implanted. Many zoos use implanted chips to keep track of their animals.


Every stray dog is routinely scanned and if a microchip is present the owner can be traced through the central directory.

 At CHIPPET.COM our mission is to supply the service of professional animal chipping at the lowest possible price to help reunite lost pets with their loving owners. 


If you feel a friend or relative may not have had their pet chipped provide their name and address and we will send them a free "Guide To Getting Your Pet Chipped"


Free Guide Click to Send a Free copy 
          of the guide to a friend
    All The Technical Info
It's 12mm long and 2mm in diameter!           More Info...
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